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Guatemala Huehuetenango ReserveGuatemala Huehuetenango Reserve


310 g bag


2 lb bag


5 lb bag








310 g bag


2 lb bag


5 lb bag







We are excited to release our Guatemala Huehuetenango Reserve! Personally curated by Mike during his trip to Guatemala, this Klatch blend offers a delightful and complex coffee experience. Discover notes of nectarine, chocolate, and a white peach finish, complemented by hints of lemon and sweet herb. Experience the best of Guatemala in every cup.(Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai and Pache)

Finca Los Arroyos, founded by Don Felipe Martinez, thrives through generations. With humble beginnings on a small plot, Don Felipe and his sons (Sergio, Elder, Jose) expanded the farm by acquiring more land. Starting with 30 coffee bags, they now yield 6-8 containers per harvest. Exclusive to coffee cultivation, Los Arroyos stands as a testament to their dedication and growth in the coffee industry.

History of Guatemalan Coffee:

Although coffee was brought over from the Caribbean in the mid-18th century by Jesuit priests, it was used primarily as an ornamental plant and garden crop for 100 years in Guatemala. Coffee wasn’t widely traded, however, until commercial production began in the 1850s. The volcanic soil and various micro-climates proved ideal for growing coffee in Guatemala. Coffee, within a generation, became the country’s most important crop. In 1860, Guatemala exported 140,000 pounds of coffee, and just 25 years later, the country was exporting over 40 million pounds. Large numbers of coffee farmers were German immigrants responsible for many inventions and innovations related to coffee milling. Most of Guatemala’s coffee was exported to Germany until the First World War, when exports shifted to the United States.

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Crystal Garrison


Great flavor

I always find myself returning to the Guatemala beans. They are my favorite. We only buy beans from Klatch. My husband left for a week and he told me; “I can’t wait to have a good cup of coffee!




Guatemala review

Excellent coffee, great complexity and easy to brew in many methods


Jeff Clark



This is an excellent Guat. I will buy it again.





It's light and refreshing with subtle fruity and chocolatey notes. It is my go-to morning cup and it's great over ice, no milk necessary.


jim cleaves


Gust Hue Hue Rio Azul

Bravo! A fine example of a high quality traditionally washed Guatemala. Plenty of character/flavor, with no gimmicky process-induced wacky stuff going on. Novelty imo is getting way too much attention in specialty coffee over the last 5-7 years.


Louis DeKoven



A delicious bright and earthy medium roast that complements both breakfast and dessert!




Excellent Roast

Again a great medium roast highlighting the acids, fruits, and cacao.




Guat Hue Hue - solid buy

Excellent body, clean, sweet.




Yet another Klatch winner...

Everything you come to expect when you order Klatch Coffee...perfectly roasted and works with different types of brewing....but out of this world as a morning hario v60 pour over....Thank you Klatch family for putting yet another wonderful coffee in my morning routine...



Guatemala review

Excellent coffee, great complexity and easy to brew in many

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