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Aeropress Brew Guide

Learn how to brew with AeroPress® immersion style coffee makers.

Icon of a coffee machine

Prep Time

5 minutes

Icon of a serving carafe

Brew Time

about 1 minute

Icon of a coffee mug


1 cup of coffee

Understand the science that makes AeroPress® the best

AeroPress Original and AeroPress Go are immersion style coffee makers. Unlike the French press, finely ground coffee is immersed in the AeroPress chamber with a short brew time. The pressure produced when pressing the plunger through the chamber further extracts flavor, and coffee is free of mud and grit as it passes through a paper micro-filter.


  1. Push plunger out of chamber.
  2. Put filter in filter cap.
  3. Twist filter cap onto chamber.
  4. Stand chamber on sturdy mug and put one rounded scoop of fine drip grind coffee in chamber.
  5. Shake to level coffee.
  6. Add water up to on the chamber, 175°F (80°C) water for hot brewing or ice water for cold brew.
  7. Stir about 10 seconds for hot brewing or 1 minute for cold brew.
  8. Insert plunger and press gently, pausing when you feel resistance, until plunger reaches grounds.
  9. Remove filter cap, push plunger to eject used coffee and rinse seal.

Video: Aeropress Brew Guide