How To Make Cold Brew Popsicles

Icon of a coffee machine

Prep Time

5 mins

Icon of a serving carafe

Brew Time

4 hours freeze

Icon of a coffee mug


8 popsicles

Cold Brew Popsicles

Cold Brew Lovers Popsicle

Cold Brew lovers, get ready for a delightful summer treat! Enjoy an afternoon pick-me-up with a refreshing cold brew popsicle. For a simple twist, add flavored simple syrups to the cold brew mixture. Instead of vanilla or hazelnut, try drizzling in some caramel or adding chocolate chunks for an incredible variation. You can also try this with our Sleeping Goat concentrate for a decaf option.

Brew Guide: Toddy Cold Brew System Concentrate

Toddy Cold Brew System


  1. In a glass measuring cup, stir cold brew concentrate, 1/2 cup water and vanilla extract.  
  2. In another glass measuring cup, whisk heavy cream and sweetened condensed milk until combined. Slowly pour on top of cold brew mixture and stir.
  3. Pour and divide between 8 (4-ounce) ice-pop molds. Cover and insert sticks
  4. Freeze until solid, about 4 hours.
  5. Briefly dip molds into warm water to release.
